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Sunday, 1 March 2009

Arietans 8286 Futsal - The Underdogs

We came down to SportCity with only 6 players.

Sam YP, Rais, TeeCee, Taufeq, Megat & myself.

1st game (86 vs 84) won 7-3
2nd game (86 vs 85) lost 0-4
3rd game (86 vs 82) won 4-3

Although we are the underdogs ...but...
we are the top of the league.

Final Game (extremely exhausted) we lost to
Batch 85 (2-4)

Man of the Match + Best Rookie +
Top Scorer + North "STAR" Player =
Sam YP

Shahril (exhausted)

Pleaze leave comment.....


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